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Infrastructural Facilities
Administrative Office
  • Class Rooms
  • Separate Common Room for Boys
  • Separate Common Room for Girls

Parking & Transportation

Play Ground
Reception Cum Visitor Room

Facilities Added During Last Quarter

Infrastructural Facilities


Almirahs for library-3

Library tables-02


Wooden slabs-07

Library Counter-01

 Additional Library Books and Journals




Addition in Laboratories

Psychological Tests-2

Respiratory System Chart-1


Potassium Permanganate- 500 gm

Yoga mats- 10



Principal Message
To make prosperous society it is very much essential to enrich people with right kind of knowledge, dynamic development of thinking. To face the challenges of today's transforming world people also should have qualities like: - skill....

President Message
In the competitive era of 21st century, the future will belong only to those talents who are able to build a strong foundation and have in- depth knowledge and understanding of their professional field.
Website last updated on : 20 Jul 2024
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