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Anti Ragging Cell
The Anti-Ragging Cell is established to uphold a safe and nurturing atmosphere within the college by strictly prohibiting any form of ragging or harrasment. Our primay objective is prevent and address instances of ragging through effective monitoring, awareness program and prompt action. We are dedicated to creating a respectful and inclusive campus environment, where every student can thrive without any fear of intinidation or abuse. The Anti-Ragging Cell works proactively to educate the college community about the detrimental effects of ragging and to ensure strict adherance to anti-ragging policies.
Click here to see the list of members involved in Anti-Ragging Cell 2024-25


Principal Message
To make prosperous society it is very much essential to enrich people with right kind of knowledge, dynamic development of thinking. To face the challenges of today's transforming world people also should have qualities like: - skill....

President Message
In the competitive era of 21st century, the future will belong only to those talents who are able to build a strong foundation and have in- depth knowledge and understanding of their professional field.
Website last updated on : 12 Sep 2024
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